
lördag 13 februari 2010


Have you ever wonder what it would be like if you were not you anymore, if you were suddenly gone. How would your world react? Whatever you imagine is wrong. There is nothing romantic about death. Grief is like the ocean, it's deep, dark and bigger than all of ut and pain is like a thief in the night.

You took something from me, you took little pieces of me, little pieces over time. You wanted me to be something I wasn't and I made myself into what you wanted. One day I was me, Sofie and then one day I wasn't. I lost myself for a long time. I lost myself in you and in us. You took something from me, you took pieces of me and I let you and that will never happen again..

You're suppose to love me for the person that I am, not the person you want me to be. I'm me and that is all I can ever be and that should really be enough.

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